
Doing the Work But Not Getting the Sales I Need

I asked a question of one of a private coaching clients the other day: “What is holding you back or slowing your progress?”

We went through a list of possible reasons – no knowledge of sales/marketing, time, competition, resources, your positioning in the marketplace, cash flow, confidence in self, or project.

And she told me that cash flow was an issue, ordering more inventory was needed but a risk… the usual things.

And then…

What she told me next made my heart sink…and it was sooooooooo honest. 

“Doing the work but not making the money I need to, makes me feel like the work doesn’t count and therefore I don’t count”.

I’ve felt this. We’ve all felt this. It’s a terrible feeling but you’re not alone.

Listen now to hear more & overcome these thoughts.

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Show Notes: 

Thanks for listening,

xo – Jane



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