
Closing The Sale: 5 Elements of a Great Offer

Closing The Sale: 5 Elements of a Great Offer

Today we’re talking about CLOSING the sale.

You’re going to learn…

-> specific psychological triggers that get people to buy
-> how to use these psychological triggers WITHOUT manipulating people or shaming them into a purchase
-> the difference between “passive marketing” and actively going after the sale
-> why your emails don’t convert as well as you want them to and how to fix it

This is one you don’t want to miss!

These 5 elements are the BASIS of direct response marketing.

Learn these principles, and your business will never be the same.

I’m serious. They’re THAT important.

Have a listen…

You can also listen on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Soundcloud

Mentioned in this episode

Like free stuff?

Also, you can get the replay of the LIVE Email Bootcamp. 

If you want to send emails that convert to sales, this is for you!  then you need to do the bootcamp.

Send Emails. Get Sales.
The recording is available immediately

Only $25

By the end of the Bootcamp, you’ll know exactly …

  • what to say
  • how often to send
  • how to get people to BUY from your emails

Plus, you’ll have your next 30 days of emails planned out. Email has the highest ROI (42x) of any marketing activity out there!

OK, your turn. LMK in the comments below — How will you include the 5 elements of a great offer in your next offer?
Which of the psychological triggers will you (ethically) use for your next offer?

xo -Jane



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