
When Bad Things Happen In Your Business

fashion designer podcast

Let’s talk about when bad things happen in your business. I’ll tell you one of the worst things that happened to me when I owned a retail boutique in Chicago.

I almost quit. I didn’t think my business – or I – could recover from the nastiness. 

What I discuss in today’s episode

-> the really bad/sad/horrible thing that happened when I owned my retail store
-> my reaction – and thinking hard about quitting
-> the lessons I learned 
-> what you can take away from this episode

Bad things can and will happen when you own a business. It doesn’t have to mean game over.

This episode will help you get through the hard stuff.

Have a listen…

You can also listen on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Soundcloud

Want to Work Together?

  1. If you need a bigger audience for your product-based online shop, and want more consistent traffic and sales, you can join The Club. You’ll get direct access to Jane for LIVE marketing Hotseats and reviews. Consistent marketing means consistent sales coming in.
  2. If you want to launch a profitable clothing line, we have a program for new designers, called Launch a Line. It’s a step-by-step course that gives you the blueprint to a successful launch so you don’t make the same mistakes I did when you start. 

AND don’t forget to sign up for the LIVE Email Bootcamp that’s coming up!

If you want to send emails that convert to sales then you need to do the bootcamp.

Send Emails. Get Sales.
NEW DATES: April 26th – 29th

Only $15!

By the end of our 4 days together, you’ll know exactly …


  • what to say in your emails
  • how often to send them
  • how to get people to click through and BUY 

Plus, you’ll have your next 4 weeks of emails created and scheduled! 

Don’t miss this! Email has the highest ROI (42x) of any marketing activity out there!

Sign up for the Email Bootcamp ($15)

OK, your turn. What bad thing has happened in your business? What did you do to come back from it?

LMK in the comments. I love hearing from you!

xo -Jane



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