
Overwhelmed with Marketing? Just Do These Three Things

How to know what marketing is best for your online shop

Overwhelmed with all the different ways you could market your business? I feel ya. We’re all so busy and we want to DO LESS and get MORE results.

Not to mention that we’re all distracted right now and our productivity is down.

And the truth is that there are really only a few things you need to do consistently to get real results.

Let’s keep it simple and focus on the THREE things that matter most with your marketing.

Do these three things – and do  them  consistently – your business will be just fine.

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The 3 Most Important Things to Focus on to Build an Audience That Buys From You Online

  1. Audience (choose your target customer)
  2. Content/value (create content that actually helps people)
  3. Consistent communication (email marketing and/or SMS text marketing

Notice what’s NOT on this list? Social media.

That’s because all social media platforms are TOOLS, not strategies. Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat — all of these are useful for one thing and one thing only. Distribution.

I suggest you use social get your content and your message distributed to a larger audience.

That’s the best use of social media. That – plus engaging with your audience directly.

But the next step is key.

You then have to take these folks off of the social platform and help them take the next step to click over to your site and join your community and engage on a deeper level.

That means building your email list and/or SMS text list. You own your email list. You don’t own your IG followers and they can be taken away at any time. It happens every day.

No one can take away your email/text list and no one can take away the relationship you have with your audience.

So please, stop worrying about the perfect Instagram feed. Stop worrying about the number of followers you have.

Concentrate on true CONNECTION and getting your audience over to your site – where they can either buy or join your list to stay connected.

Make sense?

Show Notes:

Have a great day!




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