
What to Do for Black Friday (Fashion, Jewelry, and Accessories Designers)

What to Do for Black Friday

Not sure what to offer for Black Friday?

You’ve probably tried the usual things – take 25% off site-wide blah blah blah.

Nothing wrong with that (if you’ve tested it and it works well then keep doing it!). But — it is a bit of a snore, people are used to seeing it, and site-wide offers generally do NOT convert as well as specific offers.

(For info on SITEWIDE SALES vs. SPECIFIC OFFERS see explanation below.)

What’s better that a sitewide sale? It’s a mystery bag strategy – done in a very simple & specific way. It works for EVERY business if you do it right.

I made you a video with examples of what works for ALL of my clients. It’s better than a sale.

It doesn’t have to be hard. I lay it all out for you with a ton of examples too. 

You can also listen on iTunes, Spotify, or Soundcloud


A site-wide sale forces the customer think about what they want to buy. They need time and brain effort to decide which items to choose. If you offer ONE product on sale at a time (or one product category at a time) there is less decision making needed for the customer. It’s faster for them to get to a YES or a NO and take action immediately, rather than putting things off.

“I’ll decide later” is the kiss of death for conversions. 

Show Notes: 





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