
“I’m Working Too Hard for Too Little Money”

“I’m Working Too Hard for Too Little Money”

  • “My business looks good on paper but it’s killing me.”
  • “I feel like I’m missing something important for my business that everyone else seems to know.”
  • “I’ve totally lost track of my ideal customer and how to speak to them.”
  • “At this stage of my business, I’m still working way too hard to be making this little money.”

If this sounds like you, you’re probably in the “Messy Middle”. You’re not a newbie filled with excitement and adrenaline – but not yet at the stage to have a reliable team and layers of people handling different tasks for you. 

The Messy Middle is not fun. If you’re slogging through your days chasing sales, feeling exhausted, and thinking you must be doing something wrong, there’s a better way. I promise.

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