
My Sales Are Down and I’m Worried – What Should I Do?

Sales Are Down And I Am Worried - What Should I Do?

I’m hearing from a lot of entrepreneurs, clients and members of The Club, that their sales are down. Part of the reason that sales are down is that it’s summer, when retail sales tend to dip. 

There’s also a ton going on in the world right now — talk of a recession, war in Ukraine, monkeypox, stock market fluctuations, etc. It’s scary.

Today will be PART ONE of what to do when sales are down. Next week I’ll be back with more specifics on this topic, including specific actions you can take ASAAP to boost sales.

Today you’re going to learn:

  • Why it’s important to get your mindset right.
  • How your money beliefs affect sales.
  • The key to using language to direct your day…and your sales!
  • Who to stay away from to keep negativity at bay.

If you’re fed up with sales being down and can’t find a way around it, then you don’t want to miss this episode!

Listen below…

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Resources mentioned in this episode

Quotes from the Episode

  • “Does it matter if we’re technically entering a recession or not? Because here’s the thing, money is still being spent. Lots of money – unlimited amounts of money.”
  • “So if you’re thinking, there’s no way it will work, the way you could flip that would be – I can try to make this work.”
  • Look, you own a business. You’ve been through a lot of challenges in the last few years, right? We’ve been through a pandemic. You had to change the way you did things. Now we are potentially having a downturn in sales, across the board. It’s time to do things differently again.

Listen to this episode and let me know what you think in the comments below. I love hearing from you.

And remember…Perfect is good but DONE is better!

xo -Jane




One Response

  1. I’m so happy that I listened to this episode! People get what they expect to receive. It begins with thoughts. Can hardly wait to listen to part 2.

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