
The Rule of One

E-commerce email marketing with the rule of oneWant to make your life easier? Start using the rule of ONE with your marketing – particularly for email & social media marketing.

Most entreprteneurs complicate the f**k out of everything (ask me how I know).

We’re creative, it’s how we roll.

Today you’ll learn a simple rule to make things simpler. I share the specific steps to BETTER communications with your prospects and customers.

You’ll also learn the 10 steps to sending emails that make sense and get clicks. 

When it comes to sending emails (or any communication actually) I see a lot of online store owners trying to do too much with each email. There’s a LOT going on in every email they send and it can cause confusion for the reader.

I think this comes from not wanting to send too many emails out or “bother” people. So they jam a ton of stuff into each email and send less frequently.

But if you’re not sending at least one email a week you’re missing a big opportunity. 

Think about it. If you only send an email when “something important is going on” and you get a 20% – 30% open rate – which is a decent open rate for sure – how many people are actually seeing your message?

But if you’re sending one at least every week and you get the same 20% – 30% open rate, there’s a much better chance that more people will see your message. 

That’s why today I want to talk to you about the rule of one and why if you start applying it, you’ll start seeing better results.

Plus, your life (and your marketing) will be much, much simpler.

Listen below…

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Resources mentioned in this episode.

Listen to this episode and let me know what you think in the comments below. I love hearing from you.

And remember…Perfect is good but DONE is better!

xo -Jane



One Response

  1. Dear Jane..
    I’m Ruby a 72 year old chick. I’ve invented a shawl type accessory that hides the width of a womans arms and back, yet shows her shoulders. Use for sleeveless and strapless clothing.
    I have a parent, trademark, tech package, fabric source, and potential manufacturer.
    Now what? I am IT ignorant. I can’t even work my friggin phone!
    Do you have some genius that can do everything else for me???
    Btw..I am using sustainable fabric.
    RUBY in the SF Bay area.

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