


I noticed something this week while I was talking with some of my private clients.

Big time issue happening…

The amount of overthinking we all do. Ask me how I know. #overthinkingqueen

But a couple things happened that I thought were super interesting. One of my VIP clients said,

“I need to find my voice. And if we do it together during this VIP day and get your ‘buy in’, I will trust what I do”.

Look, I’m not that powerful.

I think was that we just all want someone to tell us that we’re doing it right. 

That’s why I wanted to do this week’s episode on overthinking and why we as entrepreneurs continue to torture ourselves with it.

What’s discussed in today’s episode…

  • what overthinking can lead to – and it’s NOT pretty (Forbes magazine article)
  • why I teach in my membership that you should choose only 3 marketing activities for your online store
  • why getting multiple points of view isn’t useful and why you should choose to learn from only one person this month
  • tricks to help with the habits of overthinking

Listen now. 

You can also listen on iTunesStitcher, Spotify, or Soundcloud

Resources mentioned in this episode


Quotes from the Episode

  • “If you have to ask yourself the question, ‘Am I overthinking this?’, then you know you are.”
  • “The Forbes article literally says that while ‘overthinking itself is not a mental illness. It is associated with conditions, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and substance abuse disorders’. Which is so fascinating because I think that worry, rumination, overthinking the inability to make a quick decision and stick to it is — is what makes it hard to be successful as an entrepreneur. And when people do choose something and they honor their decision to do that thing, a lot of the overthinking just goes away.
  • “There’s always too much, too much. So can you choose only the things you plan to work on for 90 days and be realistic about it. Really choose. Make a DECISION. And then when you start to overthink or somebody comes at you with a bright, fun, shiny new workshop, you say, Nope, not in my plan.”

Got mindset struggles? I’d love to hear from you and what mindset struggles you deal with most. Let me know in the comments below. I read them ALL and I’d love to do a few more episodes around entrepreneurial mindset.

Thanks for reading & listening! 

xo – Jane



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