
How to Segment Your Email List in the Easiest Way Possible (E-commerce)

This question has been popping up in The Club lately and it’s causing our members a lot of stress.

“Do I need to segment my email list? I have no idea how to start and the thought of it overwhelms me.”

Today I’ll teach you the only 2 things you need to think about to segment your list.  This doesn;t have to be hard, trust me.

Have a listen…

You can also listen on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Soundcloud

Mentioned in this episode.

Also, the LIVE Email Bootcamp is coming up. Have you signed up yet?

If you want to send emails that convert to sales then you need to join us!

What to Say in Your Emails
June 21 – 24, Only $25!

By the end of our 4 days together, you’ll know exactly …

  • what to say
  • how often to send
  • how to get people to actually BUY from your emails

Don’t miss this! Email has the highest ROI (42x) of any marketing activity out there!

Sign up for the Email Bootcamp Now ($25)

And remember…“Perfect is good but DONE is better.”

xo -Jane





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