
#AskJanesBrain Episode #7: How Do I Get People To Come Back To My Website and Buy?

#AskJanesBrain get repeat customers to my website

The interwebs is big place – and it’s not even really a place. We’ve been told you can reach millions with just! one! click!. And you can make millions of dollars in three! short! months!

I mean, check out some of these internet promises…

  • “Learn The Secret To Become A Millionaire In One Day, Guaranteed!”

  • “7 Shortcuts for Building an E-Commerce Startup to $1M in 12 Months”

  • “Discover how just 15 minutes today is all you need to generate yourself millions!”

  • “He was 14 years old when he started making and selling ‘SuperJam,’ and within a few years he had annual sales in the millions”

Who couldn’t spare 15 minutes a day to make millions? Sign me up, right?

I know I’m exaggerating but one look at Fast Company will show you enough stories about companies who made tons of money online FAST to make your head spin. It’s bound to skew our expectations about selling online.

In the video I answer a question from Karlene:

“Jane, How do I get customers coming back to my website to actually make a sale?”

There’s a pretty straightforward answer to this question. Watch the video now…

So Karlene, does that help? If you’re thinking, “that sounds like a lot of work”, you’re not alone. I hear that all the time from entrepreneurs who want to send ALL their time on creating and no time on marketing and sales

I have 2 things to say to product-only entrepreneurs:

  1. You’re trippin’ if you think that’s how to make an online business in 2015.
  2. There are ways to simplify (and even automate parts of) your marketing process to keep a steady flow of customers on your pipeline. 

(Quick plug: If you’re tired of creating kick-ass products that no one knows about, this will help you tremendously.)  

So now let me ask YOU a question. Do you agree with my advice for Karlene? 

What’s the ONE piece of advice you’d give Karlene to get customers to come back to her website and make a sale? Leave me a comment below and let’s get chattin’.

As always, thanks so much for reading (and watching), 


P.S. Did you like this video? If so, kindly give me the LIKE below and share the love.




16 Responses

  1. Thanks Jane! I needed this! I have a blog, been blogging 5 years but NOT on the same website as my store. I have a little audience/following and didn’t want to lose them by changing where I blog but I think it is worth the gamble. I REALLY need to get more eyes on my website.

  2. Hi Rebecca. Keep at it. You will get better at your emails and if they are interesting, people WILL open them and buy. Thanks for commenting!

  3. Thanks, Jane! I just launched my website 2 weeks ago and was wondering about a blog, too. Looks like you just gave me my answer! Thanks for sharing such great tips 🙂

  4. Hi Jane! Awesome advice, as always! I need to get back on the saddle and blog regularly again. I talk myself out of it by thinking nobody is reading them anyway … I will change that mindset now. What you said makes complete sense. Thank you for all of your fabulous videos and resources! LOVE your site!

    1. Hi Rita! I think we’ve all felt that, nobody’s reading this stuff anyway so what’s the point? The truth is, if you keep listening to your audience, keep being consistent, and dabble in your product with clear calls to action to purchase, it works.

  5. Thanks Jane for the video. It gives me more things to think about. I do have a blog on my website and I hired a blogger to do that. I am thinking of making videos for my followers and do not have a podcast. Thanks again Jane.

  6. My pleasure, Karlene! It takes time to build a following, and you don’t have to do everything. Just aim to be consistent at whatever you do. Wishing you loads of success.

  7. Hi Jane, Laura shared this video with me. I enjoyed it and took it to heart! I have started a series of blog posts on downtown Tucson. With all the excellent food, hip breweries, shopping, our light rail system, culture, and museums, one could practically say: “Tucson is Portland, with sunshine”, so that will be the theme for a few posts. I hope this “slightly off product message” is along the lines of what you are saying! Laura has a new location so I wrote a post about four dining options in downtown Tucson near Atelier Laura Tanzer. I plan to do a follow-up on bars in downtown Tucson for our target age group.

    Hugs from Tucson!

    1. Hi Mike,
      Welcome to Fashion Brain and huge thanks to Laura for spreading the love (so appreciated). I say the more unusual the message, the better. Be yourself and have a blast with it.
      I’m rooting for you!

  8. As always, great advice, Jane! I’ve been flailing a bit getting my blog posts to be consistent and making them more “valuable.” I will try your suggestions to mix up what I’m offering to my audience. FYI: I send out cute, stylish Paperless Post cards to my email list when I have an announcement or event going on. People always comment on them and even respond. That’s been another way for me to connect to my audience in a unique, eye-catching way. Thank you!

    1. Hi Kathleen, I think you’re a genius to invest in Paperless Post. It sets you apart and makes people take notice. Do you best to be consistent with your marketing – it makes a huge difference. Think of it like brushing your teeth — not negotiable, don;t even think about it, just DO it. Thanks! -JH

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